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I have had the opportunity to know Sid & Jacqueline for 4 years now. While I have enjoyed getting to watch them excel as trainers, I have also enjoyed getting to know them as people. During the 4 years I have watched them turn wild mustangs into some of the most well behaved and trained horses. It is amazing to see the gentleness and true love they have for all horses. I have seen them take barely broke colts and older horses and make them some of the most safe and well trained horses. Not only have I seen what they do for other horses, but I have experienced their talent, knowledge and compassion with my own horse. Sid has worked with myself and my mare assisting in transforming us into the team we are today. He is patient and explains things in such a manner that it is easy to understand and duplicate.  Jacqueline is not only a super talented trainer but a beautiful rider. She has such a grace and presence when she rides. Through my time with Sid and Jacqueline I have learned so much about training and horsemanship. I am always learning something new and truly treasure their guidance. Whatever training you are looking for, Sid and Jacqueline will help you and your horse become the best team that you can be.




Sane, Confident, Relaxed. I can’t think of three better words to describe what I want in a riding partner; whether it’s on the ground, in the arena, on the trail or on the road. We are privileged to own and ride two horses trained by Sid and Jacqueline Zacharias. Though very different types of horses, both have an abundance of these wonderful qualities.

The first horse we purchased from them was a BLM Mustang mare trained by Sid for an Extreme Mustang Makeover competition in 2013. Other than her freezemark and surefootedness, there is not a trace of wild horse in her. In fact, Sage is so well balanced and so well trained, I often will use her to lead an individual or a group of less experienced and lesser trained horses down a trail, over a bridge, through water or next to whatever the  ‘boogieman’ is they’re experiencing. She is absolutely unflappable. She is sane in a herd and super sane with her humans. She is a confident mare that will try absolutely anything without spook or craziness, and best of all ... she is relaxed, which trickles down to me. Because of her rock star show status, she’s more horse than I need, but she’ll never be less horse than I want.

The other horse we purchased from them is a registered American Quarter Horse that was trained by Jacqueline Zacharias for my husband, who is a novice rider. Trigger has the perfect combination of great temperament, strength and stellar training. Not only did she work at making Trigger a great companion for my husband, but both she and Sid worked with Kirk to give him the confidence and the tools he needed to enjoy his beautiful horse. From haltering, to tacking to loping confidently under saddle. He now hauls him to trail rides, a cross country ‘fun track’ with obstacles, and he can easily enjoy him in our arena, on our property and around the neighborhood. They are the perfect fit!

It’s been our great honor and immense pleasure to be able to spend time with Sid and Jacqueline Zacharias at the facility where they train horses and also at our farm. When we’ve had questions or situations, they’ve been readily available by phone and have sent a video of what they are describing. The level of commitment they take with each and every horse and each and every human is unsurpassed. We highly recommend them and we are immensely grateful to call them friends.


I would just like to say that I think Jacqueline and Sid are two of the best horse trainers I have been fortunate to meet and I have met many. I have always owned horses and have shown in cutting for the past twenty years. I’ve competed in all of the major events and have done very well on very well trained horses.

I got into Mustangs a few years back and attended the EMM to try and purchase a mustang that I had seen being used as a turn back horse at several of the cuttings. To make a long story short I did purchase this horse. He won reserve and his name is Claude  Dallas. I love him dearly but his training wasn’t what I thought he was capable of.

The next year we bought the reserve champion again and this horse was Ebony Shine which was trained and shown by Sid. I got her home and her training was so much more advanced in so many ways. This made me pursue Sid to help advance Claude Dallas’s training. I had to wait a few months because Sid was booked up. I sent Claude Dallas to him ASAP. The horse that I got back was so much more than I sent. In just a few short months Sid had gotten Dallas over many of his fears and insecurities.  I was so happy with the results and he is a much better horse.

I couldn’t ask for a better job.

What I’m really impressed with is that the training they give them stays with them, it’s not a quick fix. I love this horse with all my heart and I’m so happy that I sent him to Sid and Jacqueline. They are very honest and upfront and they are great at communicating with you about your horse. I know this is lengthy but I just wanted to say, no matter your discipline their abilities are truly amazing, the results more than I ever expected.

All that being said, they also take really good care of your horse. 

I would and will be using them as often as I need help with my horses.


When I first heard of Sid I thought, “oh he’ll be another Pat Parelli,  Buck Brannaman wanna be”.  


We haven’t worked with Pat or Buck, but we’ve studied their ways.  We breed and raise hunter/jumpers with 5 foals per year in Texas and Florida.


Equestrian people are stubborn and opinionated?  Yes, I am.  But if you can prove to me there’s a better way, I’ll adopt it quickly.


That’s what happened with our relationship with Sid and his wife Jacqueline. They start all our foals now.   Sid also flies in annually to help us in Florida. 


Sid’s great talent is natural horsemanship, but it comes with a younger, crisp and current delivery.  Sid and Jacqueline are the most decent souls you will ever meet.  There aren’t many left, but I know there are 2 in Pryor Oklahoma.  


Specifically, Sid can accurately assess and interpret the innate emotions and abilities of a horse and translate them to you.  Is it insecure and needs a more gentle supportive approach?   Is it a 4 yo from an Olympic stallion which needs consistent discipline?   Is it a brilliant 4 yo that once shown the path forward, will adopt that path immediately and willingly.  A one and done horse.  Does it have bad ground manners needing a  short term “consequences for bad behavior” lesson?  Is it horse that is not fit for the owner/rider intended purpose and needs to move on? 


There is no “cookie cutter” approach to horses with Sid and Jacqueline.  They have helped us with the horse types described above and more.

I would trust Sid with anything I own. I would trust him with my life and I have.


At the end of my trail  Sid will be in the top 10 of my most discerning mentors.   The mentors whom you never expected would quietly change your life (and your herd) profoundly.



Zeke has a gift and it shines when you see him working. I had many riding lessons as well as ground work lessons with him. He has a great way of explaining lessons and he works in steps. Zeke is a wonderful teacher with both his students and their horses. He has the ability to see the smallest areas of concern and relay how to correct them in an appropriate manner. I feel that this quality is rarely found in one individual. Zeke is kind and gentle and he knows how to make a big positive impact! He is a true professional and a gift to the horse world.


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